Question on "heirloom" type cattleyas
Maybe someone can help me here. I had been growing orchids since the mid 70s. When I lived on Long Island I built my own GH and started raising various types, with cattleyas being a major portion. I can't remember the names (I can't remember what I had for lunch 2 hours ago!) but I do remember a number of my cats had much larger leaves. They were longer, stiffer and more succulent. I also remember them being darker too.
Fast forward to today, and there are zillions of hybrids out there, but I haven't seen any similar to the "older" types. When I moved to PA, I ended up starting over because without the GH, a lot were lost.
Now that I'm using a GH again, for 3 seasons (the winters they spend in a sun room under lights) I would like to grow some of the heirloom types again.
So, after a long story, can you kinda sorta understand what I'm talking about, and if so, can you supply me with some names so I can begin growing these types again? All ideas are helpful. Thanks ...