Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
i am going to risk the unpopular and say i prefer POP to digbayana in every way lol. it is hardier, easier to bloom, lasts longer and is greener.
I LOVE digbayana, it is one of the orchids that "caught" me as a beginner but this is a hybrid that beats the mother in my opinon
I was actually told that when expressing interest in digbyana, which kicked off this search for the best green hybrid. I'm definitely leaning toward PoP but having a hard time finding Gleneyrie's Green Giant, which is the variety I like the most.
When I first got into orchids I really wasn't a catt person at all, I think my first love was slippers (which I would find wild in New York) and from there I was always drawn to the weird ones. I've been heavily into pleurothallids for years now, but catts are growing on me - now those big, showy, ruffled flowers feel "classic" rather than "fussy", and I've been gravitating toward anything fragrant, and anything that doesn't need to be watered daily.