Would it be unwise to attempt C Dowiana?
Hi all,
For those of you who grow the species, do you think it would be unwise for me to attempt to grow a large seedling of C. Dowiana, assuming I can find one I can afford?
I do already have a C. Dowiana hybrid, but I’m really interested in the actual species. I only have room for a few spectacular larger species.
I grow inside on a tented shelf unit with led lights. I have potted and mounted plants, and the space I have for larger plants and mounts is in the mid 80s in summer and mid 70s in winter, with humidity that I try to keep between 60-70. For most of my plants, this seems to be the sweet spot.
I water some plants daily, and others in differing schedules. The leds are the stronger ones that botanical leds sells, so should be sufficient for most cattleyas.
Would it have to be hotter and more humid for a c.dowiana to thrive and bloom?