You are getting some good advice here, but it's always good to have a consensus.
1. That's a very nice, large plant! I know it looks like it's hurting, but it looks more natural than any other one I've seen. It's basically a ceramic mount (that potting media is long since decomposed). That being said, it really would benefit from repotting.
2. I also agree that its fun to divide it up to share/trade, but you want to keep a nice big chunk for yourself. You are in for some LONG and TEDIOUS work ahead of you as these guys get really tangled up. I would try as much as possible to preserve the huge specimen size as best you can too. There will definitely be some chunks that break off or fall off. If you need more divisions than this, look for loose pieces towards the edge to keep the mama big.
3. Pre-soaking will help repotting a lot. A little KLN/ST in the soak wouldn't hurt, but it's not necessary. Is it ever really necessary? Well, that's on another thread.
I'd let the wounds heal too, by drying out. Isurus is right about the drought tolerance.
4. As for the spike, these are winter bloomers, flowering once the water is reduced. This one may be flowering just because it's been kept thirsty. I'd go ahead and repot it anyway. It's always a shock, but these are a very resilient bunch (I'd bet you get tons of flowers around December). In a pot with fresh medium and good water, they'll go crazy. Use you KLN then.
Sorry for such along post. More like