Any thoughts on growing C. Leoloddiglossa in Semihydroponic culture?
My understanding is that the influence of C. tigrina and C. amethystoglossa suggests this hybrid might not need a winter rest beyond cutting down on fertilizer. However, it might particularly like higher light and more moisture (Phalaenopsis moisture level) than your average Cattleya. I thought S/H culture could potentially be really good for this hybrid.
It does have C. loddigesii in its ancestry, which might like a more definite dryness in winter.
Any thoughts on this hybrid? Anyone growing it in S/H?
I have both leoloddiglossa and loddigesii in S/H and they do just fine with no winter rest. Sometimes plants have "rests" where they arent doing anything for a month but i just keep watering as normal. Ive heard that some people keep watering but withold fertilizer in SH to rest plants but i dont have a cattleya that I rest.
I don't personally grow in S/H (although I have in the past), but your plan should work as long as you repot at the right time. Remember a "dry season" in a humid tropical region still means regular water, just not daily pouring rains. In cultivation and S/H, your plant(s) should transition well if new roots grow into the new environment you've set up!
I would add that i dont think its a great idea to let SH resevoirs dry up for plants with perennial roots. For things like Catasetinae i let them dry up because the roots loose most of their efficacy after one year, but Cattleya roots should last several years. For those roots accustomed to being underwater all the time (in the resevoir), drying out for any long period would probably kill them.
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