I bought this on ebay a few years back. Based on the name it seems like its a mericlone from a Hawaii based nursery but I don't know much more than that. I've had a lot of bud blast with this species but I followed some advice I found in the catalog for H&R which is to water 3-4x a week when its putting on its flowering growth. Giving this plant a lot more water did the trick for me this year. I back off the water once it stops putting out roots and growths.
That's really cool. How is the fragrance? I have a couple of these, but they are (I think) too young to bloom. Congratulations. It's a really great-looking bloom.
That's really cool. How is the fragrance? I have a couple of these, but they are (I think) too young to bloom. Congratulations. It's a really great-looking bloom.
Smells like fruit stripe gum. Many of the ones I have start putting out sheaths in 4" pots. The problem I have with them is that I need to have them in an open and airy media to water them enough at the key time but when they need reduced water I don't have the humidity to keep them from stressing out because my media doesn't hold much moisture.