Lc. Egerland Coerulea first time blooming: one flower is different than the other two
After four years my Lc. Egerland Coerulea bloomed for the first time. It produced three flowers.
To my surprise the orchid located in the middle has only one wide petal, while its siblings have two.
I think it is unusual, but I want to share it and see if other members have had a similar experience with this hybrid.
I will try to upload some pictures. It is beautiful. a very light pale violet petals almost white with a yellow and also lilac lip.
I guess why it is called coerulea: because in the purple spectrum it is more closer to blue than to red.
I will try to upload some pictures.
Last edited by OrchidsbythePond; 03-05-2023 at 06:40 PM..