Epilaeliocattleya winter rest?
I have this Eplc which is a crossing of Ctt Gold Digger and Epi stamfordianum.
I'm confused about the culture. This is mostly 50% Epidendrum stamfordianum and 25% Guarianthe aurantiaca. My understanding is that both species require a winter "semi-rest" but I have difficulty understanding what is semi-rest as opposed to "full rest" and when to resume more frequent waterings.
In Orchids such as Catasetinae growers recommend to withhold waterings until the new roots are several inches long. My orchid has green tipped roots, but I'm concerned about being too eager to start watering before spring officially starts in March.
I don't personally like to let my orchids go bone dry, my Cattleya hybrids and Brassavola are kept moist, never dry, never wet. I grow them all, including the Eplc, in baskets with a mix that I try to keep at 50% Orchiata (size Power), 25% Grodan cubes (Rockwool), 10% LECA, 10% Coarse Charcoal, 5% Perlite #3.