Looks to me more like it might be hummingbird-pollinated since the lip isn't much of a "landing pad" but is colorful so would tend to attract them. Hummingbirds pollinate a lot of Epidendrums - since they hover they don't need to land. (Insect-pollinated flowers tend to need a place for the insects to land.) Butterflies are another "suspect". They could likely hang on to that lip if they needed to, and have long tongues to reach into the flower. And they also like color. Some orchids do look like females of insect species and get pollinated by pseudo-copulation, but this one doesn't look insect-like. (Look up Trichoceros to see some New World orchids that look very bug-like. Of course the European terrestrials such as Ophrys also look very much like bees.) Generally the moth-pollinated flowers are green/white, making them more visible at night.
Last edited by Roberta; 01-04-2023 at 04:04 PM..