Hi, and thank you both for the response.
The plant is located at a due-east-facing window, sunlight from morning to about noon, and I have two curtains which block out most ambient light there at night.
Most waterings are with k-light, ~50ppm roughly weekly, sometimes I will offer kelp max (1Tbsp:1gallon ratio), or just clean distilled watering.
The last ~3 waterings have been with dynagro foliage pro at 1/4tsp:gallon ratio for no reason other than I was too lazy to make a second round to the closet. Note that this is the first time I've used FP on this orchid, in past it was the other three exclusively.
Yes, I am coastal southern california.
Temperatures in my house used to stay with whatever outside temps were since I always kept the windows/doors open, but since rescuing and homing a pet last year, this winter I've kept temps 65-72F, and as a result of the heater, RH has been in the mid 50%s (65-75% is my usual year round if windows/doors are open).
I forget what the exact medium was, for sure kiwi bark and perlite, might have a little moss and either gravel or turface or both - been a while
Yes, the plant itself is doing well, and if it doesn't bloom, that's totally okay, I was really just wondering why it's pushing empty sheaths. These certainly look like they'll be empty again so oh well.
It seems like this answer is more complex than a single factor, could be any number of things. If there are no blooms this year, perhaps next year I should try a different fertilizer in the fall to add a little more blooming nutrients?
It might be the lack of temperature differential, too, since I use the heater at night to keep temps from falling below 65F.
Any other suggestions? I don't want to put this plant outside, and if that means it won't bloom, then okay
Happy holidays!