Blc Chia Lin "New City"
as every orchid plant has a story, this plant also has one.
Was a gift from local OS member in South FLA a few years back and went through a very wet period and developed black rot. I was upset and tried to remove the infected rhizome, cauterized it with hot butter knife and used several types of fungicides but it still continued. I decided to play hardball with it and it was going to die anyway. I stopped watering it and parked it in front of a blowing box fan in garage for 2 weeks without any water and it totally dried up the black rot section and then started growing healthy again. I would not have believed that this could happen if I hadn't done it myself. Placed it in a 10inch basket with tree fern totems and gave it less than half of regular that other plants get. Added a few netpots with florikan and it started putting out strong roots, it has now been clean for 3 years
currently has one open spike and two more budded sheaths, a fourth sheath has succumbed to condensation.
It has an exceptional lip, great color and large flower as well as seriously intoxicating fragrance..
last picture is same plant 2 years ago , also blooming in december
So..... how you doin?