Here are some recent cattleyas in bloom.
Cattleya labiata f. coerulea
This one blooms freely throughout the year. Has a nice lotion like fragrance. 4 Blooms on a spike. Another sheath on the way.
Cattleya lueddemanniana f. alba
This one always blooms Nov-Dec. A little wonky. A light rose-ish fragrance.
Cattleya jenmanii
First time flowering on this one. Has a sweet gaskelliana like fragrance. Got significant cold damage... but decided to flower on two spikes!
Family portrait:
Cattleya Mark Jones x velutina
First bloom on this one. Has an intense rose fragrance with a hint of chocolate?
Cattlianthe Portia coerulea
First blooming on this one. Light lotion like fragrance.
Cattleya walkeriana
opening up
And this guy... eating my fruit trees!