Pretty darn nice if you ask me. 21 flowers, very light fragrance, spicy/sweet, only during the warmest part of the day.
It's potted in a big air cone pot with a few granite rocks in the bottom, but otherwise no media. Roots are sprayed when dry, so daily or every couple days, just depending on temps. Using K-lite at 1/6 tsp per gallon with every watering with a good flushing in the shower every few months.
For the three years that I've had it, it grows through the winter and spring, chills out for a couple months, then blooms at the end of summer. This year was interesting because it put out two big new growths with sheaths in December, then put out two more in May, and they all bloomed together now, in September.
The tag says Seattle Orchid, but I got it from a nearby grower who was downsizing in Feb 2020. Fifteen bucks