B. nodosa hybrids
I have collected a number of these. One of my wholesale suppliers have made both straight B. nodosa, and hybrids with nodosa available.
The straight nodosa seedlings are probably at least half forma grandiflora, as the flowers are 5-6" across, with a lip that is 1.7/8"-2" across.
In the most recent order, I included some ([Rlc. Shin Shiang Diamond x Rlc. Memoria Shirley Moore] x B. nodosa). My supplier had no photo of the pod parent, but I bought these anyway. The first has just bloomed; the first photo shows it next to one of the straight B. nodosa plants with huge flowers, the second & third photos are closeups of this new hybrid.
Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.