Originally Posted by Dollythehun
If misery loves company, mine is right next to a Golden Peacock that won't stop blooming. Yet, mine Yellow Bird has only bloomed once in several years. FWI, In front of south windows under 12 hrs of LED lights. I feel your pain, with no solution.
Same situation as Dolly. Have a Golden Peacock division from her, that just won't quit blooming. For several years I thought she was exaggerating about it.

Turns out she wasn't. It's a machine.
Have a Yellow Bird next to it, about same size, constantly putting out new growth, but has bloomed once in three years. I recently moved the Yellow Bird next to a couple of Brassavola that get a higher light level, enough so that it has reddish leaves and freckles. We'll see if that extra light does anything to produce more blooms. I'll report back if it helps, but that's gonna take time to see any results.