I bought it because of the color
In this thread, feel free to add photos & stories about why you purchased a particular plant. My opening story:
I have purchased a number of plants from an Ebay seller on the Westcoast. On occasion, after winning an auction, I will make him an offer on something else that did not sell.
One such plant is Ctt. Colors of Life 'Fair Orchids'. It is a nice flower, not quite award quality, but with a spectacular color. It is difficult to describe, but it straddles the line between orange and red.
It is a compact growing Cattleya, with flowers approaching 4" NS.
Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.