I know, I know. What are you doing with a plant you don't know how to take care of? Unknowingly, I did a last minute change in an order and I figured eh, Cattleya, they're all the same. But when I found out how fussy it can be, my order was placed... If I see it's definitely not enjoying my company, I will donate it to more experienced growers, don't worry
So my plant came in insanely tiny, for a moment I thought
L. milleri is really a miniature rupiculous, but it isn't. One sprout was on its way but I guess it rotted in transport, because it's dry but black, not light brown. The roots all dead from what I see (no thick firm roots or ones that turn green when watered), one or maybe two new growths on its way.
So while I was getting the substrate and the pot for it, I soaked it every now and then a little bit, but it did get dehydrated on this time (it arrived somewhat dehydrated already). Then about a week ago I sprinkled some rooting hormones. And today I put it finally in a pot with its media. I decided to go for a semihydro setup like Ninja Orchids in youtube does, seemed very reliable. I used large lava rock on the bottom, fine lava rock on the rest of the pot and some lava rock powder around the plant to help it secure better.
But then this bulb is blackish, so I'm concerned this might be bad for it. At the moment, the substrate is wet but there's almost no water on the reservoir. What do you think, is this appropriate? And also, what can you recommend as iron supplement for it? I heard there is this snail killer substance that has iron in it and is not toxic as other snail killing things, but I don't know any brands or something like that.
Oh and the place I'm going to put it is next to my Cattleyas I think: filtered sunlight since around 11am up until like 5pm in a rather warm room.

So this is the plant.

Here you can see on the right the upcoming growth and on the left the growth that died.

On the middle bulb you can see an "eye" that's possibly growing too, I'm not sure.

This is the backbulb that is black on the bottom, though it is not mushy or anything. But it's black.

Here you can see the leaves. Maybe it doesn't show much, but they are wrinkled more than when it arrived.

And here is the setup. I like how it looks
As always, any pointers are greatly appreciated.