Cattleya Hybrid help - moscombe x nodosa
About six years ago I got an orchid from a greenhouse which was labelled "cattleya moscombe x nodosa".... At the time it had two leaves/bulbs and what I think was a bad case of spider mites. I did not know much about it and still don't. However over time I got rid of the mite issue. For the next four years I had it under a high output t5 bulb. It grew one more bulb/leaves and didn't do much else.
Two years ago I decided it obviously wasn't thriving at all there. I moved it to a west window (all I have available) and reported it. Over the past two years it has grown a lot more from what it was and seems to really love the bright sun. I'd say its tripled in size at least and has grown a lot of roots as well from what it had. But still has never bloomed. I will end this with as much information as I can as well as pics.
Area: Toronto Ontario
Where plant is: west window
Substrate: bark with a base of clay balls
Water: twice a week soaking it for a half hour. If it's still wet only once per week. I use msu fertilizer.
I'm not even positive it was labelled correctly or if I'm taking care of it right. Would love to see it bloom.
I have attached pics. Hopefully that worked.