New(er) Cattleyas
When I got to the greenhouse today, there were several pleasant surprises.
First up, a seedling which bloomed once before.
Rlc. Valley Isle Red 'Valley Isle' x Rlc. Mem. Mary Anderson 'Exotic Orchids'
At the time I put a price tag in the pot, so I was willing to sell it last year. This year the flower has improved (about 4" NS), so I pulled the price tag out. However, the plant was large enough, so I divided it = 1 keeper and 1 for sale.
Second: A previously unbloomed seedling, which I bought from Waldor Orchids just over a year ago:
Rlc. Kakemizu Splendor (= Williette Wong 'The Best' x Oconee 'Mendenhall)
This is a 5"+ flower.
Third: Waldor Orchids sends out a division list once or twice a year. From the last one, I went for a division of a plant that has no awards, but earned a CCM for Waldor in October 2019.
Cattlianthe Mem. Dina Izumi 'Brookside' (C. chocolate Drop x Barbara Kirsch)
Despite recent dividing & repotting, it has 7 flowers on the inflorescence.
Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.