Cattleya Suggestions: Compact Growth / Large Flowers
I'm looking for some recommendations for a relatively compact growing cattleya - smaller pot size at blooming size and more compact upright growth habit - that has relatively large flowers, something around 4-5"
I live in PA and don't have a greenhouse, so growing outdoors year round isn't an option. I like to grow warmer growing / humidity loving plants under lights in a terrarium that I can control the conditions year round. It's pretty tall (38") and can handle a couple large plants, but I generally grow smaller plants in there. Well, in any event, space is limited. Tangent: I may try growing outdoors next year for a portion of the year, but I'm not there yet.
I've always wanted to grow some of the more larger flowered plants, and I started searching to see what's out there that while not small, could fit in my growing setup and give me some of those massive blooms I only see pictures of. In my search, I found Rlc. Chomthong Fancy 'Fireball' as a potential option. They list the growth as "compact", but I know that's relative, but I've seen the flowers listed as up to 5.5" - which for me would be the largest flower I'd be growing by far. I'll likely be getting this as it ticks a few boxes for me, supposed compact growth, large flowers, plus I like the flared petals.
Being as there's tons of people here with a lot more growing experience than me, I thought I'd ask around to see if there may be more / better options that fit this same bill. Thanks in advance.