Originally Posted by Davey
Thanks for pointing me towards the virus testing kits. I am intrigued by viruses and the mechanism they used to attach to host cells and that kind of stuff.
Most welcome Davey. Viruses are interesting organisms. They don't do any thinking (I think), and probably don't even know what they are doing - themselves. It's sort of like a particular chemical (eg. hydrofluoric acid) ------ once it gets into you ..... it doesn't think. A reaction just occurs, and the unfortunate result is not a good one ----- for the one on the receiving end! Same with particular kinds of viruses in orchids. The virus doesn't know what it's doing. The outcome is just bad for the host. But - on the other hand - it is reported that it's possible that a lot of orchids have viruses already in them, but the effects don't necessarily show up if the plant's general health is maintained at a good level.