Originally Posted by Keysguy
What exactly is your "winter" weather like there Jo?
BTW- I love walkeriana as well. I think it's my favorite Catt. You are growing it exactly as I plan to when I remodel my shadehouse in the fall. They are in pots right now and doing great but I'm going to move them to shallow hanging cedar baskets. They will get better light and dry faster that way I think.
Winter means 10h light, temperatures 15-18 degrees Celcius during the night with extremes going down to 13-14. On a sunny day the temperature could reach 25-28 as a maximum, sometimes even above 30 for a short time. Winter also means less rain, but sometimes it rains and stays 17-18 degrees C daytime and 14-16 during the night for days. This means 90%+ humidity for 2-5 days without any chance of getting plants to dry out, imagine a little bit of rain every day just to keep them wet. That's when plants rot and where my main worry lies. My plants are all outside, but partly protected from rain. During heavy rain they get soaked as it spreads everywhere, when it rains drip-drop like in Northern Europe they manage to stay dry. I should be ok this winter, but I've lost a few darlings while experimenting (=learning).
Still pretty good conditions compared to my home country :-)