I had a Laeliocattleya Albert Hollingsworth ‘FANGtastic’ for four years before it bloomed for me which it has done two years in a row. Going on this success, I purchased a Sophrolaelia Psyche 'China', which I saw at an orchid show. I would welcome advise on this plant. Should it be maybe watered more due to it's sophrinitis background, or should I keep it the same as my Laeliocattleya?
From whom did you get it!? I had one of these years ago but later lost it & have not seen any since. Incredibly vibrant red flowers! As I recall I grew mine more as an LC but it honestly has been too long for me to recall with any certainty.
I went to an orchid show at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. There was a Sl Psyche 'China' in Seagrove Orchids' display. I asked if they had any for sale and Linda Thorne said she had six divisions. Their website is seagroveorchids.com. The flowers are exceptionally vibrant.