Originally Posted by Roberta
Yes, Sophronitis coccinea has relatively long-lasting flowers, and can bloom more than once a year. If you can get one of the 4n cultivars (some fantastic ones being bred in Japan), most rewarding. Intensely saturated color. But the secret to always having blooming orchids... have lots of plants  , purchased in bloom at different times.
Yes, if an orchid is able to bloom multiple times a year it'd be appreciated

.... My collection is all based on one time-per year blooming orchids. So I'd love to have at least the chance to have orchids capable of blooming multiple times.
I don't have the ambition to have always blooms - for now

- but at the same time I don't want to waste a lot of space for a big big cattleya with a flower that doesn't last at least 4 weeks in good condition.
I mean... my paphs tend to last 3/4 weeks... but at least they're super compact. So I don't care too much about it!
Originally Posted by Leafmite
These Cattleyas do exist. Some Cattleyas are always putting out new growths and bloom on the new growths. Other Cattleyas bloom twice a year and have flowers that last six weeks. One of the first orchids I owned, bought in terrible shape from a florist bloomed twice a year and the flowers always lasted six weeks. It is one that I lost to Calcium deficiency. The name was in Chinese and I haven't seen anything in English with the same appearance or name. I had another, nameless, from the same florist, that kept sending out new growths and they would bloom as soon as they reached maturity (lost that one, too, to Calcium deficiency, same time). If you have a vendor that really knows Cattleyas, call them and tell them what you want and ask them to recommend one.
it's good to know that these cattleyas exist!
Now I only need to find the names of these hybrids
Unfortunately, I don't know any vendor specialized in cattleyas.... Anyway, if I'll find some names I'll write them here.