Thanks guys! I'd walk a mile for a spotted Catt. I'm on the hunt for Pot. Hoku Gem 'Freckles'.
I have two more Catts in the pipeline to bloom. Blc. Haw Yuan Beauty 'Spice Girl', and Pot. Hawaiian Prominence 'Carmela'. The first plant I've had for about 2 years, and this will be it's first rebloom for me. The second I've had for 4 years (my first orchid) and this will also be it's first rebloom for me

I don't want to jinx myself but I think just maybe I'm starting to "get it" with my chids. I know I still have a long way to go, but the improvement in the health and performance of all my plants has been remarkable over the last year, thanks to all you guys and your willingness to share info and help newbies. You rock!
Steve, I think you'd find Carmela's interesting. I remember seeing mostly hybrids, and not so many species, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. They have 4 big greenhouses and a fifth for their breeding program. When I was there last summer they were in the process of putting up a 6th GH. They were very nice and let us wander around to our hearts content. The only place that was off limits was the breeding GH. I think it's definitely worth a visit when you're on the BI.
I need to get to H&R.