Originally Posted by Leisurely
Marilyn, I found this plant to be a must have so I did some searching and found it at Lowe's Orchids in Hawaii. It will be a while before you would see blooms because they are seedlings. Only $10.00, by the way. I just received six miniature/compact cattleya plants that I ordered from Lowes. They were all four inch pot size and out of six, five were in bud and all were in very good condition. Prices were incredibly cheap at eight to ten dollars. I will be placing another order with Lowes for Lc Sheila Lauterbach as soon as I can decide on some other plants.
Thanks for the info. I'm not sure I want to pay 12.50 to mail a 10.00 plant. I may wait until I find something else to order with it. I really love that one.