This is from a division of Rth. Dal's Emperor 'Allan' ----- which developed its bud in warm temperatures, leading to full yellow - no red colours at all.
The division comes from the same plant as the division shown in a few months ago in September -- at click here. Only difference is ------ different pot.
Super cool. Do you have any idea what triggers the bloom. Why one would come early with red and one without? Clearly, sept to dec is a big enough difference to explain the change in the flowers( light water etc) but why would it bloom at both times if it’s nutes were different??
Stunning no matter what
I am a gastric person, clearly, but this one makes me think of soft scrambled eggs mmmmmm with a bit of salt and hot sauce(there’s that red! Lol)
I think the just the health state of this sort of orchid triggers the bloom - as I noticed that the new pseudobulbs just produce sheaths - and looks like 100% chance of flower spikes. I have some other catts that are like that too ----- pretty much 100% chance of spiking for every regular size bulb that comes out.
But I have some other catts that don't get sheaths and/or spikes for every bulb. Quite interesting.
But as for the red colouring. I heard from the people that had been growing this sort of yellow mini-catt ------ that they detect a temperature dependence of the red colouring. The bud development and flowering in relatively cold conditions is noticed to produce yellow flowers with red ---- and sometimes with the pink/magenta tinge around the lip perimeter. And for relatively warm to hot temperatures ------ much less red colours, sometimes even full yellow -- no red at all.
I'll get a pic of the whole plant for you DC. No problem at all!
hahahaha ..... you made me hungry from that egg description!!!!!!
DC! I took a pic of the whole plant this afternoon, next to the other pots - basically all the same plant (as I just took some bulbs off the plant from the plant on the left-most side).
I added a couple of photos in the previous post with the yellow flower next to the Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown for size comparison. Definitely a mini-catt hehe.
Last edited by SouthPark; 12-16-2020 at 04:15 AM..