Epidendrum porpax
I had one of these back in the early 2k's.
It had the name Epidendrum porpax.
I had it up until I divested myself of all my orchids, about 2010 or so.
Then, about 2014 I bought many orchids from an impacted Hawaiian grower.
One of them was what I knew as an Epidendrum porpax.
I couldn't find a description for it anywhere.
Finally, I found a reference to a Dendrobium porpax that said it was the corrected name for that species.
Today, I looked D. porpax up again and couldn't find it.
Everything sent me to Epidendrum porpax, nothing concerning Den. porpax, as if it never existed.
Welcome to orchid taxonomy.
This one is getting big enough to have begun to overhang the edges of the 12" raft mount.
Hoping it'll eventually end up hanging in curtains.
It has been hanging from a lower limb of our Geometry tree, in a very shaded location.
Hadn't looked at it for at least a year, very pleasantly surprised.
Last edited by voyager; 12-05-2020 at 08:53 PM..