Originally Posted by Ray
I didn’t perceive any undo “pressure” to get moderators to move it, but I do think I detect them being stubborn about it because they perceived it as such. I love both of these ladies (despite one insisting on calling me names) and think they do a fantastic job of moderation, but this time...
All they are doing is attempting to browbeat someone who's opinion they don't share.
Regardless of what your position may be on this board, I'm not sure how you're benefiting anyone other than your own ego, Roberta, with a comment like "unfortunately you're not a super moderator like I am" (yeah, I'm paraphrasing) or implying that they have no business commenting because they don't have "a dog in the fight." By that logic, unless you grow a particular plant that's being discussed, or have had interactions with a specific vendor who's being complained about, you have no business giving an opinion.
And as long as an opinion is expressed with civility, why would you care, WaterWitchin, if it's expressed two times or twenty? "Yup. Say it once, fine. Say it twice, unh-uh. Not a hint. That's where moderator choice steps in and says unh-uh." The OB is lucky to have you. Chaos would quickly ensue without your "moderator choice" to guide us.
If what SouthPark stated was that offensive or, in either of your opinions as a "super moderator," was out of line, then perhaps you could have readily gotten your point across with a private message to him rather than wagging a finger of disapproval for the rest of us to take note of. You have a certain level of responsibility to set a positive example on this board for others with regard to not only what you say, but how it's said, do you not?