ah yes I forgot about the golden rule never to repot a cattleya unless there is new root growth.
I disregard that rule as much as possible but it is a pretty known rule I have never understood.
What happens with me is if the substrate is not ideal then root growth is delayed, as soon as I improve the substrate the plants produce new roots within a week every time without fail, unless suffering from severe stress.
So to me waiting for the right time to repot is a bit of a taboo as delaying the repot delays new roots. As soon as I repot I get new roots. Might be the modern hybrids I'm growing, I always try different ways to make my own conclusions as there is a lot of conflicting info on the matter.
Missorchidgirl as far as I am aware agrees with me on the root thing but on the other hand it has been a golden rule for other cattleya growers for centuries.
As long as our plants are happy that is the most important thing.
I'd be worried seeing roots and leaves dying doing nothing, if nothing else a repot would give me peace of mind but that is me! The consensus seems to be to leave it alone. I personally repot any new orchid from the shop straight away anyway, leaving it for a year is too risky without knowing whats in the pot. But again that is just me.
Sorry for confusing anyone. Not my intension.