I have a 12” stick that I use. Any object if a known dimension will work
Also, I am confused about the hypothesis you are trying to prove? Are you implying that the grower who made this claim was lying or that it is impossible according to physics for this to occur?
I ask by because I don’t want to misdirect the thread with my response.
I do not know this grower so I have know idea if they would use puffery and exaggeration
I have a FEW Catt. Orchids that flower in the excess of 7” and one or two that probably are 8”. When a more developed colony I would not be shocked to see those another 1” bigger. My only point here is that I have no doubt that it is both possible and likely that 12” flowers on orchids exist. Sheesh, I have epiphyllum that flower over 14”!
So if it is about the grower, I dunno. If the flower, certainly possible.