This is definitely an interesting name - Lulu Land.
I bought the 'wrong' orchids hehe. I was actually looking for C. Lulu, but didn't pay enough attention to the full name. So this is how I ended up with C. Lulu Land heheh.
The two different plants I purchased aren't clones, and this one is a first flowering of one of the plants. The flower bud started to open just this morning, and is now maybe half open.
It is looking very nice. This hybrid is a cross between C. Lulu and C. aclandiae
It will be interesting to later see what the colours end up to be ----- once it colours up that is. Maybe pink ----- will see!
These phone-pics were taken just before sun-down with my old Samsung S2. The pics are ok. A lot were blurry because this phone-cam doesn't do well when lighting level is a bit low.
Very happy to share these pics with everybody here on OrchidBoard!
Google drive links (higher res):
Pic 1 - bud with flash
Pic 2 - bud without flash
Pic 3 - flower
Pic 4 - flower
Pic 5 - flower
Pic 6 - flower

Above: flower bud - with flash

Above: flower bud - without flash - a drab olive colour, still quite nice.
Below: flower opening (maybe fully open by tomorrow!)