MY Dinema polybulbon is constantly getting burnt root tips, cannot figure out why. It is mounted on cork and receiving identical care to my other mounts, E. porpax and E. Porpax var alba (also on cork).
It will put out roots that look great for a few days, and then they'll just turn black at the tip, and resume putting out more roots. It has also grown a number of new pseudobulbs, with no leaf tip burn.
Temps for it have been in the low 80s f, and humidity dropped to 60% today. The last feeding was 2 days ago (Sunday) and I mixed MSU fertilizer with RO water. My TDS reading was 150ppm if I recall correctly.
The newer roots looked great yesterday with green growth tips, and even when I checked on them this morning.
I have been lightly
misting the mounts with only RO water maybe 3-4 times a day (if the roots are white). Is that possibly causing it (no nutrients)?

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