Rth. Dal's Emperor 'Allan' is a mini-catt with yellow flowers. The flowers of this cultivar has been seen on OrchidBoard before.
A bud started to open yesterday, and one flower is fully open this morning. This calls for some pics to upload!
In the warmer climates - the flower is mostly yellow. In cold climates, the low temperature will often allow the edge of the lip to have pinks and/or red colours around the lip perimeter.
The 'white specks' on the petals look like salt specks in the photos - so not very outstanding as seen in the photos. The camera just so-happened to not capture the sparkly diamond glittery feature of the flower in the sunlight (seen in lots of orchid flowers - but can't always be picked up by the camera).
Here are some nice pics below:
Google drive links (crisper pics):
flower pic 1
flower pic 2
flower pic 3
flower pic 4
flower pic 5
Update 1: both flowers opened now!
Update 2: Another flower from a different division (from originally the same plant) opened - and nice to include one more photo, with the flower having developed some pink/violet around the lip perimeter.