Ok, I've promised myself that if I ever bloom a Cattleya then I'm allowed to buy more! (I've got 4 right now, never a bloom, but several have sheaths so I'm crossing my fingers that this is the year! I also moved them to a sunnier location, so that might help).
The four I have are:
- Potinara Paxton Brooks 'Sunset Glow' X Sophronitis cernua 'Newberry Star'
- Slc. Sierra Doll 'Newberry'
- Blc. Cambobello 'Mendenhall'
- Cycatonia Newberry Pink Butterflies (Ctna. Capri 'Lea' x Encyclia tampensis alba)
(LOL can you tell that my dad and I shop at Carter and Holmes a lot?)
The Cambobello is from my dad and is HUGE for my growing area. The others seem to be staying pretty small.
I'm looking for mini/micro Catts/hybrids that can stand my New England indoor growing (summer: 75F with humidity around 60%, winters around 60F with 40% humidity). I'd love something in the pink/purple/blue color ranges. (Although a sparkling bright yellow could be fun!). I'm looking for personal recommendations of plants (I've spent hours perusing websites like SVO, Golden Country, Diamond Orchids, etc.) so I'd like to know what are your favorites! Tiny growth habits required! (Picture of my growing area in my southeast facing window attached.)