Like most generalizations, the "no blue orchid" is not quite accurate. "Coerulea" orchids indeed aren't really blue... more of a violet. But there ARE some really neat, truly blue orchids... check out Cleisocentron merrillianum and Cleisocentron gokusingii. And several of the Thelymitras. and Southern California Orchid Species Society Blue Thely The rarity of the "real" blue color makes these even more special. I can vouch for the accuracy of the colors... most are mine, the group from the Southern California Orchid Species Society site is from a friend who also vouches for the colors.
Ehhhhh it's like 97% true lol. With extremely few exceptions, you won't see orchids that are a "true" blue, like a cornflower:
Almost all blue orchids are a shade of purple. There's a few species out there that have a blue gene, but I think almost all the common orchid genera in the hobby don't have this gene.