Hello orchid friends. It is a long time since I have visited this forum. I the meanwhile Imoved from the cold and dark Netherlands where I had to grow my orchids on the window sill and greenhouse to South Africa to be more precise Limpopo where it is always summer.
The last year I have been rather successful with Cattleya hybrids and also some species like Bowringiana however my Laelia's don't seem to like the same hot conditions we have here and the low humidity in winter
Anyone with experience and may be tips
I have indeed Laelia Anceps and a Splendida they are mounted and grow very well but unfortunately no flowers. In winter night temperature goes back to 12 degrees while day time is still between 25 and 30 degrees celcius with low humidityIn summertime temperature is often above 35 degrees but the humidity is quite high
Thanks for clarifying the species. I grow L. anceps, albida and a couple of other Mexican Laelias outdoors but I’ve just looked your climate up and we have nothing like your extreme summer heat so I can’t really contribute much.
What are your summer night temperatures? Does your plant grow strongly in summer? How large is your anceps plant? Your summer day temperatures are probably not an issue if humidity is high.
In habitat their winter days are often like yours, but nights are usually 5-10C, and may drop a little below freezing. It is dry, like your climate. I suspect slightly cooler fall and winter nights would be enough for it to bloom.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.