Originally Posted by MakiWaki
Hello, do I just give up on this cattleya?
Maki --- orchid growers shouldn't give up on any orchid, unless there are satisfactory reasons for it (such as the orchid getting a so-far uncurable virus - but even then, if we are able to grow a virused orchid in isolation, then maybe one day there will be a cure).
The roots look quite good, and the plant looks good too.
If we observe an issue, then we simply attempt to determine possible approaches towards overcoming the issue.
If you didn't see any root rot, then maybe one of the extra components needed is higher light level, or even longer duration of lighting exposure. If the leaves are relatively dark, then maybe the plant isn't getting enough light for getting energy to make the orchid grow in the way you want.
It will be beneficial to provide a good description of your growing conditions and growing method (media type and size, pot size, pot drainage details, air-movement details, fertiliser and supplement schedule, temperature range, lighting levels and duration, growing area details etc). The details may help to determine what needs to be done to help the orchid's growth rate along.
Also - what is that segment coming out? Is it a flower spike? And when did this segment start to form?
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