Impressive display, and I can only imagine how good it must smell out there with all of those cattleyas in bloom. I have a couple of questions for you:
1. What is the dark red one that is almost dead center in the middle of the fourth photo from the top?
2. Are these grown in an attached greenhouse? Do you mind providing the dimensions of it? Our wicked neighborhood association vetoed my request for approval of a free-standing greenhouse, so now I am attempting to come up with creative ways of "flying beneath their radar."
Congratulations on the stunning collection of cattleyas.
1. What is the dark red one that is almost dead center in the middle of the fourth photo from the top?
Possibly the Rlc. Memoria Ralph Placentia 'Toreador'. It does look dark red. Maybe it is. Or just the lighting level made it look that colour in the shot.
Unless it is the 5th photo starting from the first one. I can see a dark red one almost bang in the middle in the 5th photo.
Last edited by SouthPark; 12-02-2019 at 08:30 AM..
smweaver - down with the evil neighborhood association! maybe opt for a smaller greenhouse or terrarium instead. or maybe you could increase the humidity indoors with humidity trays. or you could disguise the greenhouse as a garden shed, lol. how come they said no? and why did they require you to ask for permission?