Originally Posted by Justright1
Thanks for all the help! I'll keep an eye on it. and yeah I basically soaked the entire root system in hydrogen peroxide 3%
No problem at all Justright1! Thanks for letting us know. Yeah --- don't put H2O2 on the roots. I went down this path once - and my observations were (with 3%) - it didn't kill the plants (after spraying the roots with 3% H2O2). The plants didn't do much for quite a long time - months - before getting going.
When I get new orchids coming in through the mail, instead of pre-treating with H2O2, I just spray everything - roots/leaves and all with Mancozeb, before potting in my own media.
I only do this for plants coming in through the mail.
This doesn't mean that people can't try H2O2 out for themselves (on the roots that is). It's just that if they notice the same thing as I have, then at least there can be some sharing of the information of experiences.