Originally Posted by SouthPark
Do you mean you attempted to manipulate the labellum, and it slipped, resulting in the column ending up above the side-lobe?
I tried to space out and tie the flowers as they were crowding each other and I, indeed, unintentionally uncovered the column. Afterwards it got moved to the initial position,but only after this photo was taken.
Jeff214: The plant was bought last year in January as a (not quite!) NFS seedling in a 3" pot with 3 pseudobulbs, two tiny and one 6" tall. It produced two more increasingly taller growths after that and the third was the lucky one with 3 flowers. The plant is in a 5" pot and it has space for one more growth.
The rubra variety was received as an already multi-growth plant from Ching Hua but none of the pseudobulbs had traces of previous bloomings. It's a bushy plant in a 7" pot with 3-4 leads. It has another sheath and a few eyes popping now.
Labiata is one of the easiest for me. Wish warscewiczii would be the same