Originally Posted by Herrania
The pseudobulbs and lower parts of the leaves have turned red on sides that have been facing the window, and there's some speckling on the leaves.
I haven't got this particular plant, but certainly there are catts or catt-related plants that develop red or even red/purple regions where light is relatively bright ----- or bright enough. Not only is there nothing wrong ------ it can be a desirable sign.
For example ----- the plant in this photo below is doing excellently. It's a Rth. Free Spirit 'Laina'. This photo was taken earlier this year, when it had only 1 sheath. But now - not shown in the photo - there's currently two sheaths, since an extra pseudobulb formed between then and now. Pretty sure I'll get a flower soon - as the base of the newest sheath is starting to thicken up with active flower spike/bud growth. And I can see the promising outline shape of a spike/bud. The main thing to notice is the red/purple colour on the pseudobulbs. That's no problem for this plant.
So --- if your plant is not getting burned, then no need for concern. Maybe you can take some closeup digital photos of the regions ----- just for double-checking.
![Rth. Free Spirit 'Laina'-laina-sheath-jpg](http://www.orchidboard.com/community/attachment.php?attachmentid=136788&stc=1&d=1549061857)