Cattleya silvana Pabst
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Cattleya silvana Pabst
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Old 03-27-2008, 09:33 PM
Rosim_in_BR Rosim_in_BR is offline
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Default Cattleya silvana Pabst

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Attachment 10615
Blooming out now this very interesting species. I wrote the lines that follow last year when this plant flowered for the first time for me. So I guess it would be a good idea reproducing them here on OB:
This used to be a controversial species. Pabst described this plant as Cattleya silvana in 1976. There was at the time discussion about whether it was or wasn't the long known natural hybrid between Cattleya warneri and Laelia grandis (called xLaeliocattleya albanensis), both species also occuring where C. silvana does. Pabst was completely convinced that the plant deserved the species status and described it that way. Because the flowers really have the aspect of a Laelia (section Hadrolaelia) many people kept the species in hold. Dr. Carl L. Withner, in his famous Cattleyas and Relatives book series had initially put it in his doubtful species list, but in 2002, if memory serves me correctly, he finally recognized it as a valid species.

Actually, the plant has a stable population in the wild (Bahia, Brazil), is perfectly recognizable as a separate entity from both L. grandis and C. warneri, has a distinct perfume and flowering season, most important of all its flowers have four pollinia, the species breed true from seeds and so on. Considering that the unique relevant taxonomic difference between a Laelia and a Cattleya is the pollinia number (four in Cattleya and eight in Laelia) this plant remains perfectly characterized as a Cattleya species.

Trying to cast some light on the subject, years ago two plants of the alledged parents (L. grandis and C. warneri) were crossed by Lou Menezes in the wild in the region of occurrence of C. silvana. In the interest of the science both parents were brought into domestic cultivation for the pods to mature. At the right time, Orquidario Binot sowed them and the resulting plants (in this case Lc. Albanensis, for sure) flowered similar, but not equal to Cattleya silvana. I did not see those flowers, but Marcos Campacci did and he says that in fact the flowers were similar but not the same, especially regarding to the color. He, too, considers C. silvana as a perfectly valid species.

For me, it can nowadays undoubtedly be considered as a valid species irrespective of the possible hrybrid origin. I think that what happens with C. silvana also happens with C. dolosa and C. dukeana: these plants are in the middle of the speciation process, the process that creates new species. I mean, we are witnessing a phase of the formation of a new species in each of those cases. Many now consider C. dolosa, for just an example, a valid species irrespective of the fact that in the past it may have been originated from a natural hybridization between C. walkeriana and C. loddigesii, because (among other characteristics) this plant has a stable, numerous, auto sustainable population in the wild. The same occurs with C. dukeana which, for me, should not simply be considered a natural hybrid of C. guttata and C. bicolor because where it occurs both parents are not even found anymore: the entire auto sustainable population, from seedlings to adult plants, is composed of C. dukeana. Here again the speciation process shows its face.

The picture of the four pollinia and the anther cap show the perfectly well formed four holes where the pollinia were lodged in leaving no doubt it is a Cattleya, not a hybrid.

Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 09-20-2008 at 11:18 PM..
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Old 03-28-2008, 01:35 AM
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Great read Mauro. Interesting to see that the registration authorities still consider it to be Laeliocattleya albanensis.

It is a beautiful plant!
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Old 03-28-2008, 07:58 AM
Rosim_in_BR Rosim_in_BR is offline
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Originally Posted by Oscarman View Post
Great read Mauro. Interesting to see that the registration authorities still consider it to be Laeliocattleya albanensis.

It is a beautiful plant!
Maybe we should give those "authorities" Withner's books as a useful reading ! RHS compilers sometimes really do not know what they say. They have Cattleya silvana Pabst listed with an "x" (it appears like that: Cattleya x silvana Pabst) inducing people who read that to take the wrong conclusion that Pabst would have described it as a primary hybrid. Pabst never did it. Far from that, he described Cattleya silvana as a species after years of serious scientific research. Dr. Withner, who needs no presentation, supports Pabt's work. Why RHS 'authorities' insist with this type of behavior ignoring respected, true taxonomic authorities is a mystery to me.

Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 03-28-2008 at 08:18 AM..
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Old 03-28-2008, 05:41 AM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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Thanks, Mauro. Your case for species recognition makes a lot of sense. The number of Cattleya and Laelia (at least use-to-be Laelia, now Sophronitis) species and natural hybrids is amazing.

Nice pictures as usual. I have to say that this one is not one at the top of my list even if I had the opportunity to get it, but your knowledge of it makes it more interesting.
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Old 03-28-2008, 09:29 AM
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Is what you mentioned above the only argument for it being Lc. albanensis rather than a true species? If so, why is it taking so long to recognize it? Thanks for the background and the pictures. Sure does make orchid viewing more interesting.
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Old 03-28-2008, 06:47 PM
Rosim_in_BR Rosim_in_BR is offline
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Originally Posted by Tindomul View Post
Is what you mentioned above the only argument for it being Lc. albanensis rather than a true species? If so, why is it taking so long to recognize it? Thanks for the background and the pictures. Sure does make orchid viewing more interesting.
There are no other arguments, Tindo! If RHS does not list C. silvana as a species all I can say is that they are making a huge mistake and should make some field research to better support their decisions. Ignoring an authority of the stature of Dr. Carl L. Withner is temerarious to say the less.
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Old 03-28-2008, 10:54 AM
Neverend Neverend is offline
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Cattleya silvana Pabst Male

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Old 03-28-2008, 07:59 PM
Don Perusse Don Perusse is offline
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Very interesting but a little confusing to me as a newbie! I am curious about the second pic. The plant is really upright but I don't see any stakes. Did you use one as the sheath & buds were forming? Very nice orchid and good pictures to go along with.
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Old 03-28-2008, 11:01 PM
Rosim_in_BR Rosim_in_BR is offline
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Originally Posted by Don Perusse View Post
Very interesting but a little confusing to me as a newbie! I am curious about the second pic. The plant is really upright but I don't see any stakes. Did you use one as the sheath & buds were forming? Very nice orchid and good pictures to go along with.
The plant and flowers are naturally positioned, Don. No stakes in this case, although I use to use to hold the flowers in place.
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Old 03-28-2008, 08:23 PM
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Mauro, this is one that I am unfamiliar with but now that I've seen it, I love it!

I thank you for giving us a bit of history and education along with the lovely photo. You truly are an asset to our community and I am very happy that you decided to join us when you did
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