Rlc. Li Jiuan Dancer...OH Nose 👃🏼 😫
Typically I stay away from large floofy Cattleya types especially pink ones...but I was starting to feel left out, like everyone was a member of the “Pink Ladies” except for me.
So naturally when the orchid expo came to town I bought the largest, floofy-est and most pink hybrid I could find 😂
I ended up finding a lovely somewhat compact plant with healthy roots and two beautiful buds wrapped delicately in styrofoam sheets that looked to be unscathed by the flailing hands of the many enthusiasts.
I must admit I like it much more than I thought I would, especially when I woke up this morning to the fully open blooms and what reminds me of scented garden stocks (Floral with a strong peppery note).
But as my luck would have it...one of my favourite attributes of orchids and even more so the cattleya alliance. The cute little nose of a column that really makes an orchid a orchid is completely and utterly deformed and mutated!!!
I’ve searched endlessly to see if this is a common issue, or whether or not it is possibly something that might go away.
But I cannot find a thing about it even on the entity we call Google.
Just wondering if any experts or fans of the floofy cattleya club can give me any insight before I decide to return my pink jacket and stick to what I know 😜.