"Cyrtopodium, often abbreviated Cyrt in horticulture, is a genus of more than 40 species of epiphytic and terrestrial orchids found from Florida and Mexico through Argentina. They appear to form a distinct lineage in the tribe Cymbidieae together with their relatives Galeandra and Grobya; this group forms the
Cyrtopodium alliance, either placed in the subtribe Catasetinae or separated as subtribe Cyrtopodiinae."
The title of this section of the OB Forum is "Cymbidium Alliance ", not "Cymbidium Tribe". I will continue to feel that placing genera in this section of the Forum, just because they may be related to or in the tribe Cymbidieae, but which do not grow under the conditions of Cymbidiums in general, only confuses the readers.
I am an advanced amateur grower who feels the most important aspect of orchids is in the learning to grow them well. I suppose if all you want is a pretty pot plant to put on your coffee table and do not care if it dies, by all means buy it, enjoy it and then throw it out. You will make all the orchid dealers very happy.
Sorry to get on my soap box again on this subject, but "if it doesn't look like a duck, walk like a duck, or sound like a duck, it probably isn't a duck". Perhaps OB needs to add another section for these Misc. Alliances, regardless of which tribe they are in?
Cym Ladye