Originally Posted by isurus79
Ya, the brown spot doesn't worry me.
However, the moss in the Clowesia pot looks pretty loose. Is that true? Could be the reason it hasn't grown that well. The moss should be pack in very tight so it doesn't stay sopping wet. I'd let the Clowesia get crispy dry until the new roots are 4 inches long. Then water as normal and keep temps above 55 degrees.
You might be on to something with the moss. When I got them, I simply pulled them out of their plastic pots and put them in same size clay pots. Since the sphag was fresh looking, I was advised here to not repot them. The big plant has well packed sphag throughout, while the small plant (just checked this one, it slipped out of the pot rather easily) has a some packing peanuts, then a rather thin layer sphag, which isn't super loose, but not tight either. So I think the top half was staying wet, and the bottom half dry....