Errr, I'd say absolutely do not pot now. This flush of roots is an afterthought and repotting now may set the plant back. The main flush of roots will come with the new growth, which is when you should repot. The plant looks fine in its current pot.
Few additional things I've noticed:
1. The media looks like its on its last legs. It looks sopping wet and dark green, which may indicate algae growing on top of the media. Definitely repot in the spring and jam pack the spagnum moss in the new pot as tight as you can get it. This will help keep the media fresh for two year by allowing the media to dry more quickly. Again, no need to repot right now. Just be prepared to repot when the new growth is just starting to send new roots.
2. The white stripes at the base of the leaves appear yellow, which means the plant is done growing and is ready for dormancy. I bet those leaves would turn yellow and drop off in a few days if the media went bone dry. Don't worry about those new roots. Like I said earlier, they're just icing on the cake.