Originally Posted by camille1585
As a newbie to this genus I have another culture question about Catasetums. Do they object to be repotted during the growth phase?
To be clear, I don't want to do a true repotting, but simply drop it in a larger pot and add some sphagnum in the gaps. I got my 2 plants in February and moved them to clay pots of the same size as their original pots. But one of them has had such frenzied root growth that the roots have pushed the entire root ball and medium upwards to the point that I can't water anymore without having most of it spill over the sides (had to put a wider saucer under it), and it dries out way too quickly in such a snug pot. I was surprised that the entire things slides out quite easily, I thought the roots would have attached to the clay.
Should be fine with this plan