After consultation with Marilyn Light, Ottawa, I believe that you are subjecting your plant to an overdose
of Red Light (!! 16 hours per day !!), which overdose has encouraged a spike plus a spike plus another spike,
but stands in the way of your plant to build a flower...
If I were in your shoes, I would now gradually, over 10 days, reduce the duration of the Red Tube to
6 (six) hours per day from 16 hours - i.e. reduce by 1 hour every day...
After 10 days, the red tube would be on for 6 hours and the blue tube would be on for 16 hours and fertilisation
would be a composition of 5-50-17 / 400 ppm every 3 days, given in the morning.
This may or may not work... hopefully it does...
Last edited by Manfred Busche; 11-26-2012 at 10:23 PM..