Thanks guys. So, the Clowesia pollen didn't take. Should've kept more of it. I lost the pollen off this plant (yea, both sets, don't know how), so time to try to make some Catamodes babies.
I tried to harvest the first flower's pollen, but it fell on the floor

Can't find it for the life of me. When the pollen "ejected", it came out like clockwork, that is when a mechanism was triggered it flipped the pollen out with an adhesive side up, still sitting on top of the column. It was not as sticky as catasetum adhesive (thus the drop). Nor did it come out as violently. Within minutes the column unfurled a bit and the stigmatic surface had become more sticky. I was surprised to see how quickly it had turned. Within hours the scent had gotten noticeably stronger.
With the second flower, I lost the anther cap and pollen at the same time I guess, perhaps when taking pictures. Miraculously I found the anther cap on the ground. No pollen to be seen though. Must've not have been meant to be.